Why the Best Ideas Happen in the Shower
We get the best ideas in the shower. We all know this - but have you ever thought about why? Seems these days nearly everyone is overwhelmed.

New Year's Resolution Life Hack
If you want a hack for New Year's, put "no complaining" on your list. Why? Because it's difficult to avoid hearing (and saying) complaints.

High standards getting you down?
High standards are tricky. They can be great motivators or you can use them to beat up yourself and others. It all depends on whether you think of them as goals or measures. And if they're grounded in reality.

Stressed? 10 Ways to Take a 1-minute ME Break
Before you start reading: Take a deep breath in and let it out slowly. Do that one more time.Now a third time, paying attention to the air that’s moving through your body.

A Love Letter to My Inner Critic
My Dearest Inner Critic,
I really love you. I know that might not sound so healthy considering all the mean ways you talk to me, but hear me out.

The Courage to Stop Complaining
The decision to stop complaining is not an easy one. It's taking a stand against negative forms of conversation and thinking, yes, and it's so much more than that.