How Did You Help Make This Happen?
Most people don’t like to hear that they had a part in creating the thing they’re complaining about but it’s true. Sometimes our contribution is that we have chosen to stay and not walk away from the situation.

How Complaining is like Body Odor
Let’s talk about B.O.Body Odor. We’ve all encountered that person who emanates an unpleasant smell.We think they really should be bathing more or washing their clothes or changing their diet.

Why the Best Ideas Happen in the Shower
We get the best ideas in the shower. We all know this - but have you ever thought about why? Seems these days nearly everyone is overwhelmed.

New Year's Resolution Life Hack
If you want a hack for New Year's, put "no complaining" on your list. Why? Because it's difficult to avoid hearing (and saying) complaints.

How to read the news without spiraling into a funk
BREAKING NEWS (NOT): It's hard to watch the news without getting frustrated, afraid, or angry. This only gets worse once you decide to Go NoCo and you become extra-sensitive to things that trigger negative feelings.

High standards getting you down?
High standards are tricky. They can be great motivators or you can use them to beat up yourself and others. It all depends on whether you think of them as goals or measures. And if they're grounded in reality.

Stressed? 10 Ways to Take a 1-minute ME Break
Before you start reading: Take a deep breath in and let it out slowly. Do that one more time.Now a third time, paying attention to the air that’s moving through your body.

The Courage to Stop Complaining
The decision to stop complaining is not an easy one. It's taking a stand against negative forms of conversation and thinking, yes, and it's so much more than that.

Why you should choose to make certain memories more vivid
For better or worse, we all have memories of the holiday season. And our expectations of what will happen and of how people will act this year can't help but be influenced by memories of our past experiences.

12 Simple Actions for Lasting Happiness
We’ve all heard that to improve our happiness we should do things like “cultivate gratitude,” “live your purpose,” and “be in the now.”

Change Your Life Outcomes by Posing for 2 Minutes a Day
You know that you can tell how someone is feeling by looking at their body language. In truth, their body language is often more accurate than what they're saying out loud.But did you know that it goes the other way, too?

Monday Meditation
It's Monday. Welcome back!This is a friendly NoCo reminder not to fall into the trap of reflexively complaining about having to be back at work this Monday

How to Handle Family Complaints
Thanksgiving is almost here. We all hope this is a holiday filled with genuine warmth, where the focus is on gratitude and we feel loved and supported by our families. Sadly, I know the reality is that many are likely to spend much of the day on the defense against criticism, dodging negative comments and complaints.

The Power of Deciding
One of the great fallacies of being a writer is the idea that you should wait for inspiration to start writing. The truth is that pretty much every published writer says the key is to write whether or not you're inspired.This "just do it" attitude is true of any creative or passion-driven endeavor.

When to Compare Yourself to Someone Else
If you've taken a NoCo class, you've heard me say that comparisons are at the root of most (if not all) complaints. In fact, at its core, a complaint is a comparison between some ideal alternative and the reality of what is happening.